Tuesday, June 29, 2004

VETO rights?

"Ya know, I don't think it'll take long for the Iraqi government to, uhh, ya know, excercise thier VETO rights..

It'll probably be, uhh, ya know, choreographed to give them more power though."

Thursday, June 24, 2004

A linguistic adventure!

Gotta throw this in here too. With english being our default language here in the states, it's quite amusing to come across those born and bred here, that have such a poor understanding of it. Now, some things are easily dismissed, like "aluminum". That one's a pain.
There are also words from other languages that have worked thier way into our daily conversations, and usually, these are bantered about in a friendly manner, not to poke fun at their origins.
I don't consider myself "hip", I'm too old for that stuff, but I do keep up with the lingos from different areas of town and society.
Take the Germanic word �"über". This is pronouced (by 99.999% of the people I've heard use it), as "oober".
So, imagine my confusion the first time IR said, "Man, they've got some pretty ubber stuff." Yes, he pronouced it exactly the way I spelled it. "ubber", like rubber without the 'r'. *sigh*

Next, if you've ever played Dungeons and Dragons, or any other fantasy type game, you've most likely come across an 'ogre'. Pronouced "o-ger" with a long 'o'. Well, apparently in all his years of warring with the make-believe beasties, IR never figured this out. The first time I heard him mention this particular monster, it was to say "Well, ya know, if you ever do run into an "ahgruh" in this game, you kind have to, ya know, run."
"ahgruh".... Let's examine that. Short 'o' sound, then 'gruh'. 'ah'..... 'gruh'.....
ahgruh! Interesting, no?

So much for that intriguingly high level of intelligence, eh?

Sunday, June 20, 2004


So, there's this old movie on and it's got a part where it shows an old "DeBarge" music video, like back from the early 80s I think...

IR - "I was very intrigued by this video back when it came out, due to all the different ethnicities."

This was about 20 years ago, which would've made him about... 13.

Now, re-read the quote again.

Tuesday, June 8, 2004

Man, I expect.....

Walks in, turns on TV, walks into kitchen....

After about 30 seconds loading up a bowl with the standard 2 cans of chili..

"Man, I expect more like this on Sunday."

You know the drill.... *shhhhhh*

Monday, June 7, 2004

Sorry for the lack of updates.....

But you gotta get away from such ignorace every now and again... I could feel my own IQ slipping away with every silly-assed comment of his..

But, today's entry is more of a descriptive one, and actual commentary.

*IR comes downstairs after a rousing night of gettin his beer on, and fighting wookies or some shit.

He spots a little set of speakers that have been on my desk for over a month, and asks "What's that, new speakers?" I reply, "They've been there for a month..." He then proceeds to grab one up, and turn it this way and that, as if he's never seen a speaker before. Noticing the little elongated top piece, he grabs it and starts twisting at it saying (kindof to himself I think) "hm... batteries?". I calmly tell him that if he breaks my speaker, I'm going to break him. He put's it down, and heads into the kitchen.
Now, I'm already completely fed up with his ass for the night, and he's only been downstairs for about 15 seconds. But, he nukes a frozen 'chicken fried steak', grabs up 2 slices of bread, and grabs MY mayonnaise from the fridge door and proceeds to plop about 5 tablespoons worth on one piece of the bread. (That's about 1/3rd of the little squeeze bottle that I bought for MY use, folks...) I was just walkin into the kitchen at this point to get a coke, and had to double-take.. "WHAT THE HELL?!?! GOOD GOD! So THAT'S where all my mayo goes! Why the hell don't you use that shitty Miracle Whip that you buy by the damned gallon!" He says.. "Hmm.. Hm.. Well, I guess I could use that Miracle Whip I bought." "No SHIT!" I say... Then I just go sit down and wait till the moron goes back upstairs to finish stupifying himself.