Thursday, October 14, 2004

Well THAT was weird.....

I got up a little early this morning, took a shower, then came back down here and started browsing the news sites. (I do that pretty much every morning, but this was at about 6:30am.)

I hear IR come tromping down the stairs, walk across the living room area, and stop.

Right behind me....

And stand there....

Not saying a word....

I turned my head a little to where I could see his shadow on the wall to my left (almost expecting to see a shadow with arm raised, holding a cross or something in attack mode), and say...

Me - "Can I help you?"

IR - "Oh! Nah.."

Me - ".................Is there some reason you need to stand right there?"

IR - *Thuds into kitchen without another word, then out the door to work.*

I think I'll be keeping my knife closeby from now on...

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