Tuesday, January 18, 2005


Apparently ole IR was in the mood for a snack when he got home today. Let me explain how I know this...

Last week, he did what most of us would call shopping, which for him is more like hauling product cross country. It's a virtual truckload each time. This time, one set of items in particular are the focus here. A 36 pack of hotdogs (pork) and 2 12 packs of buns. I noticed last night (cause the huge packages are hard to ignore) that thus far, niether had been touched.
Today when I got home, I went into the kitchen to make a sandwich and had to doubletake at the top package of buns. It was nearly empty! Only 4 buns remained out of the 12 pack. I opened the fridge to grab the ham, and WHAM! One 6pack of hotdogs gone, the other half empty.
Even for IR, that's pretty shocking...

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