Sunday, December 19, 2004

Hari Kiri?

Oh death to me had I forgotten to post this one....

IR slothed his way inside the other day with another bag o-goodies from the flea market. This time, he pulls out a long rectangular box and says "Check this out."

I glance at the box, and plainly written on it are the words;

Hari Kiri Dagger

Sooooo..... I re-read it to make sure, glance up at him then pull out this faux wooden sheath/matching handled tanto blade.

Me - "So.... You bought a suicide knife?"

IR - "Oh.. I did? How do ya figure?"

Me - *handing the box back* "What does the box say?"

IR - "Oohhhhhh.... I didn't notice that."

Me - "You bought it on looks, huh?" **Note - CHEEEAAAPPPPP**

IR - "eeeeeheeheeeee Yeah, I guess I did."

Me - "Whatcha gonna use it for?"

IR - "Oh, nothin."

So I hand it back to him and go back to my work.

The mind boggles.......

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