Sunday, December 19, 2004

I'm sure there's a brain in there somewhere....

IR came down a little while ago and plopped a floppy disk down on my desk.
Kinda slowly half pointing at it once or twice, he said..

IR - "Take a look at that for me when you get a chance. It's my resume."

Since I was in the middle of encoding a DVD I said simply "Sure, soon as this is done."

When my PC was free, I called up his resume, looked it over, and all looking as well as it could tossed it back on the table next to him saying "Looks good first time around.".

He sat and stared at it like it was an alien, then stared at me while I stared back. Finally, after about 15 seconds he says...

IR - "You make a printout?"

Me - "No, you said to look at it, right?"

IR - *more staring* "No, I uhh.. ya know, need a printout of it so I can put it in that resume software."

Me - "........You have a file of it... Right on that disk."

IR - *more staring - Eyes flicking back and forth between the alien diskette and me* "Well, ya know, ya know, I want to put it in the resume program I bought. I figure I should use it since I, ya know, already paid for it."

Me - *givng up on simple logic* "So you're going to put it in your scanner and OCR it?"

IR - "Scanner?"

Me - "Yeah, if you need a paper copy of this to put in your resume software, the only way to put the paper copy into it is to scan it in."

IR - "Oh, I don't have a scanner, I was just gonna, ya know, type it back in."

Me - *completely given up now* *prints copy* "There ya go."

IR - *looking over printout* Oh, hm. hm. This doesn't look like my latest."

Me - "It's what's on the disk."

IR - "hm. There wasn't another one on there?"

Me - "Nope."

IR - "hm." *heads back upstairs to do..... whatever*

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