Monday, November 1, 2004

And then there was..... gravy.

Got home tonight to find IR splayed out on his couch. I mean that quite literally too. It was frightening to say the least. It's not like he wasn't clothed, but the position was.... Ewww
As I made my way past, making sure to avert my eyes towards the wall, he spoke.

IR - "There's some gravy on the stove in there if you, ya know, want some."

Me - "Gravy?"

IR - "Yeah, I decided to use it before it went bad."

*This was a can of gravy.*

Me - "............Okaaaay..."

So out of sheer morbid curiosity I make my way into the kitchen, and he wasn't kidding. There was only gravy on the stove. No other pots, pans or extra dishes in the sink. Nothing new in the garbage either, like a fast food container or anything.

What'd he do, have a gravy milkshake for dinner?

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