Sunday, January 23, 2005

10 year old ownage part deux.

Gotta love kids... They say what's on thier minds without pause. It's really pretty cool.

Tonight, my little girl layed it down on IR not once, but twice!

First, was when he came home from wherever he went today and settled in to a light dinner of 4 hotdogs. Not regular hotdogs, but chili cheese dogs.

IR - "smickity smackity smack smack smack"

IR - "smackity snarf smack smick"

10 yo - "Gawwwww! I've never seen anyone eat that much. You're gonna die."

IR - "eeeeeheeeehe eeeeeh eeheeeeee No. Not yet. smackity smick smick smack"

10 yo - "Didn't anyone ever teach you to chew with your lips closed? My daddy would yell at me for making that much noise when I ate."

Me - *dyin*

IR - "hm. Well, SMACK SMACK, I like to chew my food completely."

10 yo - "That's what you're supposed to do, but with your lips closed. Like this." *mimics closed mouth chewing*

IR - "hm." *Then closes his mouth to continue chewing.*

Me - *Had to go into the kitchen, then to the bathroom to hide the pain in my gut from holding in the guffaws.*

Later in the evening, my daughter pulled out some balloons and started goofin off with'em. Blowing them up and letting them *bra-a-a-a-a-a-p-p* around the room. IR grabbed one up and started blowing it up, intending to jump in on the festivities. After about the tenth "haaaaaaa-shooooooooooooo" she said....

10 yo - "That's gonna blow up in your face."

IR - "Nah... haaaaa-shoooooooooooBOOM!"

10 yo - "That was stupid. I told ya it was gonna blow up in your face."

IR - "hm.. Ah well, it must've had a weak spot."

Me - *back in the kitchen again....*

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