Wednesday, January 5, 2005

Bloody amazing!

So, IR brought home another batch of movies and more ice cream tonight. It's simply inconceivable that someone can eat this much. Since the movie began, he's gone through a BIG bowl of ice cream, then a bag of popcorn, now another BIG bowl of ice cream slathered in chocolate and caramel syrup..
The 1/2 gallon he bought is OVER 1/2 gone already. *EDIT* Sorry, I mis-typed that.. Over 1/2 of the GALLON he bought is gone... In TWO bowl's worth...

He commented earlier....

IR - "It's gonna be, ya know, hard to get back on my diet. Well, I say diet, but back to eating healthy. Ya know, without all the sweet stuff."

Now, bear in mind that no less than two 5+ pound bags of mixed candies have disappeared around here over the last couple of months, not to mention the more recent spate of ice cream demolitions.

It's damned scary...

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