Saturday, May 8, 2004

I swear......

I think this guy had to have gotten a book or video on "How to Sound Intelligent", but ended up being too lazy to finish it. I saw a Disney TV show in which a somewhat goofy older brother got a video on "How to sound intelligent". It gave him keyphrases and words to use that would make people think he was a person capable of deep thought. I've gotta find it on the 'net.. I know it's there.......

Did I mention, he's also a complete slob?
As of today, the sink is chock full of his dishes, forks, spoons, etc that have been steadily piling up for 2 weeks now. I've taken to keeping a few spoons, forks, etc seperate for my use only...

He likes to use $20 words that I'd swear he has no idea of their meaning. He lived in Texas for a while, so everything around here simply HAS to be compared to "Well, when I was in Texas..." But, the reason he left Texas, and I quote....

"I got tired of people not understanding the big words I use."

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