Wednesday, May 4, 2005

Well, that was interesting....

IR just bolted downstairs after a somewhat loud exchange upstairs on his cell phone.

GRUUUUUUNTing down on the couch, he flips on the tv and jumps to an apparently pre-determined channel.

On this channel was an interview by a reporter with a guy that wrote a book that (from the sound of it) was being pilloried quite harshly by the Christian religious fanatics in the world. It had something to do with the "end days", "Rapture" or whatever you'd like to call it.
In this interview the reporter was asking some pretty direct questions about what this guy believed in regards to all this.
The answers he got were indecisive at best. "Some people think this, and some think that."

Well DUUH. Ya don't say?!?

IR watched until the commercial came on, GRRUUUUUNNNTTTed back up off the couch with an "OKAY!" and bolted back upstairs.

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