Saturday, June 4, 2005


It just doesn't pay.

Actually, most of the time it doesn't.

I got to looking through all of my daughter's stuff in the freezer and realized that a great deal of it was microwave stuff. Crap, so you know what that means.

Off I go to Wal-Mart to buy a damned microwave.

I find a small one and bring it home. I walk in the door with it and there's IR sitting on the couch smacking away at a mouthful of gum.

IR - "Microwave broke?"

Me - "Well, yeah...... It's been sitting there in pieces for 2 days. You didn't notice?"

IR - "Well, I hadn't, ya know, needed to use it or anything."

Me - "hm." (I love doing that from time to time...)

I go into the kitchen and start putting the old one back together to move it, and....

IR - "Well, ya know, I kinda thought you were just, ya know, cleaning it so get the popcorn smell out of it. If I'da known it was, ya know, broken I woulda got mine from Denham."

Me - *so he DID notice that it was out of action* "Doesn't matter now, really. But this one is going to remain popcorn free."

IR - "Oh, well, yeah."

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