Saturday, September 4, 2004

Holeee cow.....

Just got in from work a short while ago, and noticed a plastic shopping bag on the floor next to IR's couch. I couldn't help but glance inside, and was absolutely amazed at what I saw.

1 five pound can of cashews (CHOOOOS)
1 five pound can of mixed nuts.
3 "Family Sized" boxes of Cracker Jacks
1 friggen HUGE bag of Cheetos (3 pounds if an ounce)
1 pound bag of Doritos
and 5, count'em, FIVE large "chunk" Hershey bars

Methinks there's going to be a lot of 'topping off' going on around here soon, which means I'll have to sit through numerous window rattling belches, hours worth of 'smick smack slerup smack smack' accompanied by the heavy breathing normally heard only in porn movies, many, many grunts as pounds of food are hoisted into his face, and who knows what else.


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