Wednesday, September 1, 2004

Oh for the love of pete..........

Who in the hell heckles the television set?

Isn't that sort of thing normally reserved for in person type things?

I didn't watch much of the political conventions this year, but the other night when Laura Bush was going to speak, I wanted to hear what she was gonna say. IR had rooted himself to his couch (with a mighty grunt) and I swear to you he never shut up during the entire speech.
I have no idea what 2/3rds of the things she said in the first 5 minutes were. What I heard went something like this....

Laura Bush - "Thank you, everyone for..."
IR - "Oh here we go. HERE we go. She's gonna do an hour of "Thank you's". What is this, the Grammys??"
Laura Bush - " George and I were...
IR - "Oh, now she's gonna pump him up like he's some kinda hero or somethin. What's she gonna say, that he was heroic for killing terrorists or for not going to Vietnam?"
Laura Bush - "...and I believed with what he said about..."
IR - "Oh, of course you agreed! You're his wife, what're you gonna do, DISAGREE? heeee he eheheeeeee"
Laura Bush - "I remember back when George and I were on the campaign trail..."
IR - "You were never on the campaign trail! I never saw you anywhere!!"
Laura Bush - "...Governor of Texas. We drove for hours, days...."
IR - "Whatdya mean WE drove?"

And so on..... and so on...... and so on....................................

I gave up in disgust about 5 minutes into it and went and found an internet feed I could listen to with my headphones. The idiot was still yakkin at the TV a half hour later.

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