Thursday, August 12, 2004

Dude... You gonna clean that up?

So a week or so ago, wookie boy gleefully showed off this "Refridgerated Water Delivery System" he bought.

It's a water bottle.

With a spout.

It's one that fits along one wall of the fridge, and goes front to back so it'll hold a gallon.

Problem A: The name. Only someone with the mentality of "OOOOOOOOOOOOOooo SHINEY!" would ever buy such a thing.

Problem B: The spout. It sits over the front edge of the shelf, right next to.... You guessed it.. The door.

He filled it with tea. With probably half of the sugar from the 5 pound bag in the cupboard.

When the door is closed and the "RWDS" isn't pushed all the way to the back wall, the little protrusion of the door shelf hits the spout just barely, causing it to drip.
What we had after only a few days was brown sticky tea drippings all down the inner door, in the bottom right crisper drawer, and a puddle of the crap on the bottom shelf above the crisper.

I kinda thought that moving all my drinks to the top shelf, (leaving the bottom one empty with it's pool of sticky tea) would be a broad enough hint to clean up the shit.

Then I thought that pulling the Cokes out of the soaked box and leaving it's misshapen, wet form on top of the garbage can might do the trick.

Finally, I had to actually tell this idiot to do it.

Me - "You gonna make any attempt to clean up that mess your tea made in the fridge?"

IR - *Looks compliant and concerned* "Oh, oh yeah. It'll just take some hot water and paper towels. I'll take care of it."

Then, this moron proceeds to stuff his face, and head right up to the cave, never touching his farkin mess.

How much are hitmen these days?

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