Sunday, August 8, 2004

Strange fascination....

I'm tellin ya. Ole IR has some odd fascination with pinning me down about something, anything I suppose. He's tried doing it several times before, one in particular about one morning when my car wouldn't start. (You'd have to see my car to understand.....) I had to call a friend to ask for a lift somewhere. A few minutes later, IR comes around the corner with a big ole shit eating grin on his face and says something along the lines of;

IR - "I couldn''t help but, ya know, overhear you telling him that your car wouldn't, ya know, start.. heeeehe eheeeeeeeh"

Me - "Yeah, and?"

IR - "heeeeeh heeeeeeeh ehheeeeeeeh Well, I mean, "it won't start", huh? heeeeh hheeeeeeeeeh heeehe heeehh"

Me - "If you'd like to try it yourself, here're the keys."

IR - "Oohhhh.. heeehh eheh heeeeeeh ................. You really meant that it won't start?"

Me - "..........."

But this time, it was just about what I had for lunch. You see, the other day, when IR was burning his teflon laden gruel on the stove, it was a particular brand of canned gumbo from a company called "Blue Runner". (There's lots of things to eat out of a can, but gumbo really shouldn't be on the list, even from a fine company like Blue Runner...) Today, I went into my hidden stash and got some Blue Runner Creole Style Red Beans, seasoned'em up the way they're supposed to be and mixed them in with some rice. It was a good lunch. About 1/2 hour later, IR ventures down from the cave and into the kitchen, looking for his next multi-poundage meal. After a minute, he sticks his head around the corner and announces,

IR - "I see you enjoyed some of that gumbo, huh?"

Me - "Huh?"

IR - "You had gumbo for lunch, huh?"

Me - "Nope."

IR - "Hm. hm."

Then he goes back into the kitchen. I was feeling none too charitable this time, so I asked...

Me - "What made you think I had gumbo for lunch?"

IR - "Oh, well, I just thought I, ya know, smelled it in here."

Me - "That's kinda odd since I haven't touched gumbo in a couplea years."

IR - "hm. Oh well, guess I was wrong."

Me - "Yup, guess so. You should try actually looking at the label on the can in the garbage. It'll tell you what I had without even having to ask."

IR - "hm... .... hm..."

You see, I already knew exactly why he asked. The can I opened and left emptied in the garbage can looked exactly like his from the other day. So he saw it, and decided to try and call me on it using his l337 assumptive powers.

What a maroon......

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