Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Now, why didn't I think of that??

Last night, I explained to IR why the AC kept fouling up. In very plain language, making sure to speak v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y, I explained how the inside fan would for some reason stop blowing while the compressor outside continued to run. This makes the lines between the 2 freeze up and the entire system is fouled up until it thaws out.

So, this evening, he comes downstairs for the feeding©, and says...

IR - "I think I figured out why the AC keeps freezing up. The compressor, ya know, keeps uhhh, running after the fan inside stops. Then it all ices up, ya know, and freezes up the compressor."

"NO WAY!" I exclaim. *pause* "Isn't that the exact same thing I told you last night?"

IR - "Hm. Well.... hm. I thought you meant the fan stopped running?"

Me - "Isn't that what you just said?"

IR - "Oh. Well, yeah, I guess so."

You have no idea how hard it is for me to keep from just goin "DUUUUUUUUUHHHHHH??" and doing the tard dance at him every day.

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