Saturday, July 2, 2005

Can you see my car?

So, I'm sitting here putting placemarkers in the new Google Earth, and IR pipes up from his couch...

IR - "Terraserver?"

Me - "Nope. Google Earth."

IR - "Ooooohhhh... Google Satellite Maps?" *What, does he think I wouldn't know the name of "Google Satellite Maps"??*

Me - "No. Google Earth."

IR - "Ooohhh.. I see... It's an application?"

Me - "Yup."

IR - "Internet based?"

Me - "Yup."

IR - "hm."

*a minute passes - I'm looking at the aircraft boneyard in Tucson Arizona*

IR - "That's a pretty big airport."

Me - "It's an aircraft graveyard."

IR - "eehheeeeeheeeeeeeHURP HUURP Fulla MIGs, huh?"

Me - "Nope. Mostly American military aircraft."

IR - "Oh. hm. Where's that?"

Me - "Tucson Arizona."

IR - "hm. hm. Wonder why they put it there?"
*Why would anyone care?*

*another minute passes - Marking the White House now...*

IR - "So, can you, ya know, find this building?" *My townhouse*

Me - "Oh yeah, I've already looked at it."

IR - "Ohhhhhh.. So, you can, ya know, see where my car is?"

Me - "......... It's mostly year old or better satellite images, not live."

IR - "Ooohhhhhh... hm."

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