Monday, July 11, 2005


So IR was down here watching tv earlier, and during a commercial break he thudded his way upstairs to grab a bag of smackage.
Once back down here, he wrestled with the small plastic bag for about a minute before he got it open. At about the time he got the 4th or 5th treat into his face, a commercial came on for the "Chocolate Factory". This is a little fondue type set that melts chocolate so you can have sweet little treats. While the commercial is playing...

IR - "Hey! Yeah everybody, put on 100 pounds this year! eeeeheeeeeheeeeeheeeeeh"

Me - *Glances over at him, then at his bag o'treats, which is full of......

*Hersheys Kisses.*

IR - *Noticing the glance* Oh. Hm. Well. *shrugs and opens another one*

Me - "sigh" *shakes head and goes back to what I was doing*

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