Sunday, July 10, 2005

Now THAT was interesting....

Got home a little bit ago, and IR was all sprawled out on his couch again, smacking away on a big bag full of something.
My daughter asks...

10yo - "Is this Saturday?"

Me - "Nope, it's Sunday."

10yo - *turns to IR* "You went to church today?"

IR - "uhhhhh, yeah."

10yo - "What are you anyway? I haven't been Christened or... ummm... What's the other one... ummm

IR - *Breaking in the middle of the "umm"* "Oh, here it is!" *half-pointing to TV showing the cartoon that was on, restarting after commercial.*

Now, I have to wonder what reasoning he used to himself for weaseling out of the question?
I mean, the desperation to get out of answering was palpable.

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