Saturday, March 5, 2005

Interesting thing I noticed tonight.

This morning IR showered, stinkied all up with his $1.99 toilet water, and I thought he must've had somewhere to go. (YAAAY!)

He didn't.

He stayed down here, splayed out on his couch all.... day.....long...

After enduring about 8 of his meals, I thought it was over for the day. I couldn't have been more wrong.

Out comes the FUCKIN GUM! 4-5 pieces at a time!

Well, I went ahead and made myself dinner (3 taquitos and some cheesey refried beans), came back to my desk and decided to smackity smack as much as I could, cause, obiously, it's completely acceptable, right?

Here's what I noticed... IR stopped talking to the tv, and actually began smickity smackitying LOUDER. I'm not kidding, it was like he felt he was being challenged or something.
The more I smackitied, the louder he smickitied until anyone standing outside the door would think someone was having a jello juggling contest in here.
Finally I stopped (it was either stop or spit out my food for laughing) and wouldn't you know it, he quieted it back down to a normal level. I started, and he got louder. I stopped, he quieted down. It was so friggen hilarious!

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