Sunday, March 27, 2005

A little off-topic, but still funny...

The other day at work, I was cruisin on fumes due to no sleep the night before. I can imagine I was a bit loopy, and things tend to strike you differently when you're in that situation.

So, there I was at work, had just gotten lunch and had it sitting in front of me, thus far untouched. It was a real Paninni grilled sandwich from the local Italian eatery.

A co-worker who shall remain nameless (and knows all about the IRB) walked up behind me and...

CW - "sniffsniff sniff sniffsniff hm. whatchagotthere... tacos?"

He said it in this high pitched, nasally voice that simply cracked me up. I still laugh thinking about it. I laughed while typing it even.. hehe

Of course, he proclaimed me delirious and moved on to other things....

whatchagotthere... tacos?


Well, it's funny to me...

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