Tuesday, March 1, 2005

Let the biatching begin!!! Part...... Infinity.

Well, walked in the door tonight to the smell and crinchity crunchity of popcorn, (Yeah, I know, shocking..) and IR actually put down the bag, and commenced to bitching.
Most of you will remember the bonehead that he works with. The one he's been trying to get fired (after getting him the job in the first place) for the last year or so?

Weelllll.... IR got called down today for coming into work late. Apparently, the branch manager made it in before him, and when IR showed up 4 minutes late made the comment "Do you think you can make it into work on time tomorrow?" (Yes, assholish comment, but wait.)
IR replies "Oh suuuurrreeeee." and then commenced into a tirade about being "grilled" for coming in late. Seems he didn't appreciate the somewhat 'nitpicky' comment, and even went on to explain to me, "If he wants to call me down for being, ya know, late, that's fine with me! (I'm sure he appreciates your being 'okay' with him doing his job) but it was, ya know, only 4 minutes. I'm never more than 5 minutes late anyway!" At this point I had to turn around and ask, "Have they ever called you down for it before?" He replied "No! But that's not the point! It was only 4 minutes! If they want to complain if I'm late like, ya know, 10 or 15 minutes then complain away, but don't start grilling me over 4 minutes!"
"Wait wait" I say, "They've let you get away with it, how many times?" "Not many, well, I say not many, but probably not as many as bonehead!"

Theerrreee we go. There it is. Back to the bonehead as his unit of measure. From the rest of the conversation, I determined that bonehead comes in EARLY almost every morning, and when he is going to be late he CALLS to let them know it. EVERY TIME. THAT! THAT is a major issue with IR. According to IR, he shouldn't be late, period. Calling or not. Calling shouldn't absolve him from lateness, even if he does come in 1/2 hour early 99% of the time.
I'm really beginning to see the pattern here. It's becoming clearer and clearer why the bosses over there seem to favor the bonehead over IR. It's because not only is IR an IR, he's also an IE! (Idiot employee)

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