Sunday, July 11, 2004

Why me?

Well, IR continues to try to get me to accept ahgruhs and wookies. He brought home this Dungeons and Dragons interactive DVD and almost demanded that I watch it. When I (as politely as I could) told him to bugger off, he popped it into the X-Box down here and fired it up. (As opposed to taking it up to the wookie cave where it belongs...)
About every 5 minutes I got to hear, (heeeh heeeh heeeeh heeh heeeeh*) "Watch this!"
I turned once, saw the giant flying one eyed monster with big teeth beating up on a couple of armor covered, sword wielding guys, then went back to what I was doing. Of course, he had to 'call' everything he saw. The monster was "Ahhh.. A beholder!", the spells were "magic missile. heeeh heeeh heeeh" and "hold person?" And of course, the characters were druids, clerics and a paladin.

*You have to hear his "laugh" to understand it. In fact, why not try it yourself?
First, open your mouth.
Now, breath in and out quickly through your mouth.
There ya go!
Doesn't that make you want to toss a chair through someone's head?

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