Wednesday, December 29, 2004

The game continues....

Let's see...

So far he's been on a couple of 'quests'.... Killed a buncha squealing pygmy ahgruhs.... Solved a few puzzles, and upon being tasked with getting back to the 'guild hall' to collect a quest card...

IR - "I would if these WANKERS would stop harassing me!"

Now, I'm no ahgruh slayer but I'm pretty sure they didn't name one of the beasties "wanker" in that game. It would be funny though..

"You're being attacked by a level 12 WANKER!"

The Wanker swings a 'Ninny Stick' and does 4 points Charisma damage.
The Wanker taunts for -3 mana.
You swing your Mighty Spoon of Wanker slaying! (+9 against Wankers)
The Wanker side steps your swing and bitch slaps you for 15 points ego damage!
Regaining your senses, (while the Wanker continues to taunt) you draw your secret weapon.
The Ultimate Sparkling Twig of Infinite Shineyness is now in your hand.
The Wanker is spellbound by it's mighty visage, and can only utter "Ooooooo Shiinneeyyyy" over and over again.
With a powerful gruuuunt, you plant the Ultimate Sparkling Twig of Infinite Shineyness into the loamy earth, at which time it grows with astonishing speed into the Ultimate TREE of Infinite Shineyness!
Wankers start coming from miles around, mesmerized by the spectacle.
You add another notch to your Scabbard of Ubberness and make your way back to the guild hall.

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