Monday, December 6, 2004

Kleptomaniacs are a problem....

*The "Down the stairs he comes" intros will now be notated as "DTS". (Down the stairs)


And while I'm trying to do some video editing starts yabbering on about his sister's husband's brother (or some crap), whom he got a job at his place of employment, and how he's such a screwup. I heard about this guy last year, about how the boss had been writing him up constantly (not without merit though), and building a solid case for dismissal after the beginning of the year. (After inventory was complete.) Well, here we are a year later and this bonehead is still there, and all the talk about having built a solid case to relieve him of his employment is on again.
(IR has been instrumental in this collection of 'the case' by complaining long and loud about the injustices he's received at the hands of said bonehead. Such as bonehead getting to take only a half hour lunch while IR is forced to take an hour long lunch. Or bonehead leaving a half hour earlier than IR because that's what his hours are. etc etc...)

So, tonight I get to hear about bonehead telling his boss on Friday, that he was going to call in sick Monday. Which he DID! **Is there any doubt about the family ties here????**

After several minutes of one sided discussion (half of which I didn't even hear), I manage to hear this...

IR - "And ya know, he's already used all his sick days, hell, he used'em before the halfway point of the year! Anyhow, he's said before that he's only, ya know, keeping this job because of the benefits. I mean, ya know, he needs the benefits cause he's a fricken kleptomaniac!
He's always sick!"

Then it kinda went back to Charlie Brown's teacher (whah whuh wuh whaa whaaah) as I went back to concentrating on my work..

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