Thursday, December 16, 2004

What a friggen woman!

Holy shit.. IR bolted through the door tonight and you would've sworn that Rosie O'Donnel had just showed up. One foot in the door and he started just a-bitchin.
Seems that a certain bonehead got a treat today, and it royally pissed IR off. Through all the ranting and raving, I was able to discern that there was a local boss, regional boss and some other boss all in town today and they had a luncheon to go to. Well, they picked an employee to accompany them, and the employee they picked was none other than the bonehead. I'm beginning to wonder if IR's self-inflicted personal lauds aren't a little bit skewed.
He now says he's going to quit this job and find a better one since "they apparently don't appreciate a superior work ethic."

So now he sits behind me inhaling today's bag-o-death, smacking and smicking himself silly while I listen to Disturbed on the headphones.

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