Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Ya know, SMACK SMACK, I've been meanin to ask you....

IR was gone most of the evening, he left earlier after getting all smellied up, so it must've been something important.
I went out a few minutes ago to get some Cokes, and when I came back, IR had also returned.

I made a bet with myself that he would be eating when I came in.

I won.

So, I put the Cokes in the fridge, and came over to sit down at my desk.

IR turned towards me and:

IR - "Ya know, SMACK SMACK, I been meaning to ask you... SMACK SMACK What were you thinking when they made that commercial?" *commences to get this stupidassed shit eating grin on his mug*

Me - *stares blankly for several seconds....*

Me - "What commercial?"

IR - *half points over his shoulder twice* (at the wall) "The one they made. Ya know, at work." *Note - this commercial was made about 2 months ago. This is the first he's mentioned it.*

Me - *stares blankly a little longer* "Hey, they're making a commercial?"?

IR - "eeeeeeheeeeeeh Looked like you were thinkin something."

Me - "Nope."


So I went back to my own stuff..

As I typed this, he finished the steaming bowl of whatever he was demolishing amongst many, many slurpity smackitys and has started in on the fudge bars again. I'll betcha odds that he ate a dinner while he was out wherever, too...

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