Sunday, October 24, 2004

It's a bad day to be IR....

I had to call IR down a little while ago, and I don't believe he's particularly happy about it. (Now, ask me if I care?)

He was about to put "The Day After Tomorrow" on the tv earlier, and my daughter said "Momma said I couldn't watch that." to which IR responded, "hm. Let's see.... (looks at back of DVD box for rating and such) Not rated for violence, language or anything like that, only for 'extreme scenes of peril'. heee eeeheeeeee eeee eeee eheeeee That should be okay." Then he proceeds to put the DVD into the player.
I was in the kitchen through this, watching with interest. I waited until he actually put the disc in before I ventured out to say something.

Me - "Don't you have a DVD player up in your room?"

IR - "Didja catch that? It's rated PG13 because of 'extreme scenes of peril', not language or violence. heeee ee e e e eeeeeeheeeeee"

Me - "I think I heard her say that her mother doesn't want her watching it."

IR - "meh. It should be okay, huh?" **The 'meh' thing is kindof a grunt type thing that he's started using recently to voice disproval.**

Me - "As far as I can tell, you were given your answer before you decided to just go ahead and put the damned thing in anyway."

IR - "But, it doesn't ha...."

Me - "I don't give a damn what it does or doesn't have! It's not your decision to make! You're welcome to take it up to your room and watch it, or wait until she's gone and watch it down here, but you won't push the play button on it while she's here,
got it!?"

IR - *gruuuunt*
(up off the couch) "Well, hm."

Then he simply turns off the XBox, puts on Disney Channel, grunts back down on his couch and sulks.

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