Monday, October 4, 2004

Let's have a debate, shall we?

I got home from work tonight to find IR down here with another of his God movies blaring on the TV. I walked past and sat down at the computer, grabbed my headphones and fired up some DOPE.

Nooo... The musical group DOPE, ya dope. Look'em up, pretty rockin stuff.

IR turned off the movie and went upstairs much to my relief. However, about a half hour ago he came back down and turned it back on.

Back go the headphones, and up goes the music...

Even with the music blarin I could hear IR talkin to and laughin at the TV. (What there was to laugh at I have no idea, but there it was...) I pulled one earpeice off to listen.

There was some Goderiffic narrator talking about some ancient city and IR was actually CORRECTING HIM!

Narrator - "Archeologists have found the remains of 30 cities on this site, each one built on top of the other."

IR - "No you idiot! They found 29!"

Narrator - "This site is said to be host to the future world ending battle known as 'The War of the Great Day Of God Almighty' ".

IR - "Man! Get something right! The 'Battle of Armageddon'! The Battle of ARMAGEDDON!!!"

There were a few more small ones, but the ones above were the ones that almost made me lose it. I think what happened was, IR started watching this, then went upstairs to 'research' it, only coming back down when he thought he had enough information to properly debate it with the TV.


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